Information and services website for entrepreneurs

Sworn translator - cross-border exercise of the profession in Poland

Are you a foreigner - a citizen of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein - and would like to temporarily provide cross-border services in Poland as a sworn translator? You must first submit a declaration of intent to provide a cross-border service.

How to proceed

This procedure can be completed:

  • at an office
  • by post
  • electronically
Complete the procedure online

Complete this procedure online. You will need Trusted Profile or a qualified signature.

What you should know and who can use this service

Who may use the service

A translator holding relevant qualifications and experience may temporarily and occasionally provide services in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Before commencing the provision of cross-border services for the first time in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the service provider submits a declaration on the intention of providing a particular cross-border service, which consists of information on the concluded third party liability insurance or other means of personal or collective insurance related to the exercise of the profession, applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland.  Such a declaration is submitted each year during which the service provider intends to provide cross-border services.

Terms and conditions for the provision of services:

A cross-border service in a regulated profession may be provided by a service provider who is professionally qualified to exercise that profession in the service provider's country, if that profession:

1) is regulated in the country of the provider, or

2) is not regulated in the country of the provider and the provider:

a) has pursued that profession or activity in one or more Member States for at least one year during the previous ten years, or

b) has completed regulated education and training.

When you should complete this procedure

Before commencing the provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Poland for the first time, prior to the commencement of services in the consecutive year.

Where you can complete this procedure

MINISTERSTWO SPRAWIEDLIWOŚCI al. Ujazdowskie 11, 00-950 Warszawa

What to do step by step

  1. Submission of a declaration on the intention of providing cross-border services in the territory of the Republic of Poland

Before providing cross-border services for the first time on the territory of the Republic of Poland, the service provider shall submit to the Minister of Justice a declaration on his intention to provide cross-border services in the profession of a sworn translator. The declaration contains information on the type of professional activities that the service provider intends to perform, the insurance policy or other means of individual or collective insurance in connection with the performance of a given regulated profession, valid in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The declaration shall be resubmitted when the information provided in the previous declaration is outdated, or once a year in the case of an intention to provide services in subsequent years.

A declaration may be delivered by the service provider personally, by another person, by post or by electronic means of communication.

In the case of provision of services for the first time on the territory of the Republic of Poland and in the case of a significant change of situation confirmed by documents, the authority may require attaching to the declaration of intent to provide a given cross-border service the following documents (on the basis of Art. 33 (4) and (5) of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Principles of Recognition of Professional Qualifications Acquired in the Member States of the European Union):

  • proof of the nationality of the service provider;
  • a certificate attesting that the service provider is lawfully engaged in a profession or activity in another country of the service provider and that he is not prohibited even temporarily, from doing so at the time when the certificate is submitted,  from exercising his profession or activity;
  • documents proving professional qualifications;
  • a document proving that the service provider has pursued a regulated profession or activity for at least one year during the previous ten years or has completed a regulated training, in the case of a profession which is not regulated in the country of the service provider;
  • a statement of no criminal record.


Time limit

Before commencing the provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Poland for the first time, prior to the commencement of services in the consecutive year.

  1. Verification of the declaration on the intention to provide cross-border services in the territory of the Republic of Poland

The Minister of Justice verifies if the applicant has submitted all of the documents required to correctly carry out the procedure.

The Minister of Justice shall inform the service provider without delay of receipt of the statement and, where requested, of documents. If the required documents are not submitted in full, the Minister of Justice shall invite the service provider to complete them within the time limit specified in the notice. The documents designated by the authority shall be submitted pursuant to Article 33 (3)or 5 of the Act and include information on the possibility of taking the actions referred to in Article 36 (1) of the Act (requesting the authorities of the State of the service provider to confirm that the service provider is lawfully and diligently engaged in the exercise of his profession or activity and that he has not been subject to disciplinary sanctions or sentenced by a final judgment of a court of law in connection with his occupation or activity).

The Minister of Justice tries to determine the missing information by means of administrative communication with the relevant authority of the country of service provider or, in case the profession is not regulated in the country of service provider, with the support centre in the country of the service provider..


You will receive a document as:

Time limit

Without delay

How much you will have to pay

The service is free of charge

How long you will have to wait

provisions do not govern the duration of the procedure

Good to know

The service provider is obliged to inform the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) about the intention to provide a cross-border service before the beginning of the service, and in case of an emergency - after the termination of its provision (in accordance with Art. 31 (2) (4) of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Principles of Recognition of Professional Qualifications Acquired in the Member States of the European Union). In practice, this activity consists in obtaining a certificate (on A1 form)by a service provider on social security cover from the insurer's institution in his own country. If necessary, the certificate obtained should be presented to a ZUS employee, e. g. in the course of control activities.

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