Serwis informacyjno-usługowy dla przedsiębiorcy

Responsibilities of the end user of batteries and cells

The end user is obliged to transfer used portable batteries and used cells, including portable batteries and cells which cannot be anymore an energy source to the used batteries or cells collector or to the point of receipt.

In relation to used car batteries and car cells, the above transfer may occur at the retailer or an entity managing services for the replacement of worn or used car batteries, for collecting the above equipment. Standards allow transferring the said goods also to entities conducting a processing plant of waste car batteries or selling car batteries or cells. It should be noted, however, that the transfer of the above equipment to a retailer while purchasing a new battery cancels the requirement to pay a deposit fee.

In terms of used industrial batteries and industrial cells, their recipient should be: the retailer selling the above batteries or cells, an entity managing services for the exchange of used batteries and cells, an operator processing waste batteries and cells and finally the entrepreneur introducing (manufacturer, importer) these batteries and cells on the market.

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