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Primary aluminium production

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Aluminium and aluminium alloy goods production

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Lower secondary schools

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Manufacture of assembled parquet floors

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - manufacture of wooden parquet floor blocks, strips etc., assembled into panels

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - manufacture of unassembled wooden floors, see 16.10

Manufacture of wallpaper

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - manufacture of wallpaper and similar wall coverings, including vinyl-coated and textile wallpaper

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - manufacture of paper or paperboard in bulk, see 17.12 - manufacture of plastic wallpaper, see 22.29

General upper secondary schools

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Cargo handling in sea ports

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Technical secondary schools

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Basic vocational schools

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Special job-training schools

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Cargo handling in inland ports

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Operation of historical sites and buildings and similar visitor attractions

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - operation and preservation of historical sites and buildings

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - renovation and restoration of historical sites and buildings, see section F

Cargo handling in other reloading points

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Sea transportation agencies activities

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Wholesale of fuels and related products

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - wholesale of fuels, greases, lubricants, oils such as: • charcoal, coal, coke, fuel wood, naphtha • crude petroleum, crude oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, heating oil, kerosene • liquefied petroleum gases, butane and propane gas • lubricating oils and greases, refined petroleum products

Other transportation agencies activities

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Wholesale of metals and metal ores

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores - wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in primary forms - wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous semi-finished metal products n.e.c. - wholesale of gold and other precious metals

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - wholesale of metal scrap, see 46.77

Manufacture of glass fibres

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - manufacture of glass fibres, including glass wool and non-woven products thereof

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - manufacture of woven fabrics of glass yarn, see 13.20 - manufacture of fibre optic cable for data transmission or live transmission of images, see 27.31

Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - landscape and gardening activities, see 81.30 - operation of sport fishing and hunting preserves, see 93.19

Copper production

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - production of copper from ores - production of copper from electrolytic refining of copper waste and scrap - production of copper alloys - manufacture of fuse wire or strip - semi-manufacture of copper

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - casting of non-ferrous metals, see 24.53, 24.54

Lead, zinc and tin production

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - production of lead, zinc and tin from ores - production of lead, zinc and tin from electrolytic refining of lead, zinc and tin waste and scrap - production of lead, zinc and tin alloys - semi-manufacture of lead, zinc and tin

This subclass does not include

This class excludes: - casting of non-ferrous metals, see 24.53, 24.54

Wholesale of china, ceramics and glassware and cleaning materials

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - wholesale of china and glassware - wholesale of cleaning materials

Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - wholesale of wood in the rough - wholesale of products of primary processing of wood - wholesale of paint and varnish - wholesale of construction materials: • sand, gravel - wholesale of wallpaper and floor coverings - wholesale of flat glass - wholesale of sanitary equipment: • baths, washbasins, toilets and other sanitary porcelain - wholesale of prefabricated buildings

Wholesale of hardware and plumbing and heating equipment and supplies

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - wholesale of hardware and locks - wholesale of fittings and fixtures - wholesale of hot water heaters - wholesale of sanitary installation equipment: • tubes, pipes, fittings, taps, T-pieces, connections, rubber pipes etc. - wholesale of tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers and other hand tools

Dispensing chemist in specialised stores

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - retail sale of pharmaceuticals

Branżowe szkoły II stopnia

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

Podklasa ta obejmuje: - edukację w branżowej szkole II stopnia, której ukończenie umożliwia uzyskanie dyplomu potwierdzającego kwalifikacje zawodowe w zawodzie nauczanym na poziomie technika po zdaniu egzaminu zawodowego, a także umożliwia otrzymanie świadectwa dojrzałości po zdaniu egzaminu maturalnego. Absolwenci po ukończeniu klasy programowo najwyższej uzyskują wykształcenie średnie branżowe, co daje im możliwość ubiegania się o przyjęcie do szkół policealnych. Natomiast po uzyskaniu świadectwa dojrzałości będą mogli kontynuować naukę na studiach wyższych. Kształcenie w branżowej szkole II stopnia mogą podejmować absolwenci branżowych szkół I stopnia.

Szkoły policealne

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

Podklasa ta obejmuje: - edukację w szkołach policealnych przygotowujących do wykonywania zawodu, której ukończenie umożliwia uzyskanie dyplomu potwierdzającego kwalifikacje zawodowe po zdaniu egzaminów zawodowych. Okres kształcenia, w zależności od zdobywanego zawodu, określa klasyfikacja zawodów szkolnictwa zawodowego. Warunkiem przyjęcia do szkoły policealnej jest posiadanie wykształcenia średniego lub średniego branżowego, - edukację w szkołach artystycznych, dających uprawnienia zawodowe.

Kolegia pracowników służb społecznych

The code is allowed for natural persons.

This subclass includes

Podklasa ta obejmuje: - edukację w kolegiach pracowników służb społecznych. Kolegia kształcą w zawodzie pracownika socjalnego w systemie dziennym, wieczorowym lub zaocznym. Słuchaczem kolegium może być osoba, która posiada świadectwo dojrzałości oraz uzyskała pozytywny wynik w postępowaniu rekrutacyjnym.

Retail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores

The code is allowed for natural persons.

Growing of tree and bush tropical and subtropical fruits

The code is forbidden for natural persons.

This subclass includes

This class includes: - growing of tropical and subtropical fruits: • avocados • bananas and plantains • dates • figs • mangoes • papayas • pineapples • other tropical and subtropical fruits