Serwis informacyjno-usługowy dla przedsiębiorcy

Obligations of the owner of an end of life vehicle (ELV)

The owner of an ELV may forward it only to entities conducting a vehicle dismantling facility or a vehicle collection point.

The owner of the end of life vehicle or person authorized by him, transferring a vehicle to entities dismantling vehicles or entities which operate vehicle collection points, must present:
1) an personal identity card or other type of identity document;
2) the registration card and the vehicle history card if issued, or other document confirming the data contained in the registration card;
3) proof of ownership of the vehicle if it is someone else than the person entered in the registration card.

The owner of the end of life vehicle, within 30 days of receipt of the certificate of dismantling the vehicle or the certificate of acceptance of an incomplete vehicle, is required to apply for the deregistration of the vehicle.

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