Information and services website for entrepreneurs

Registration of a private limited liability company in the National Court Register

Do you want to run a private limited liability company? Remember that first you must register it in the National Court Register (KRS). Read below to find out how to do that.

How to proceed

This procedure can be completed:

  • electronically
Submit application electronically

Perform the service online

Where you can complete this procedure

You can complete this procedure at:

  • District Court

The application to register a private limited liability company (spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością) in the National Court Register must be submitted to the district court competent for the registered office of the company.

The relevant court can be selected from the list available on the S24 portal.

In the Court Registers Portal (PRS) you also need to indicate "the court to which you submit your application". In most cases, this field is completed automatically by the system, based on the company's registered address given before. You will need to complete this field on your own (manually) only if the company's registered address falls under the jurisdiction of more than one registry court. This will be also relevant for Warsaw.

To find out where to complete service enter

How long you will have to wait

- The application for registration of a private limited liability company in the National Court Register is considered by the registry court within 7 days from the date of its receipt by the court. - The application for registration of a private limited liability company whose articles of association have been drawn up with the use of the model document available in the S24 system is considered by the registry court within 1 day from the date of its receipt. - If the application may be considered only after a request to correct any formal defects, the application should be considered within 7 days from the removal of such defects by the applicant. If the procedure requires a hearing with the participants in the procedure, or a court hearing, the application will be considered no later than within a month. Please note! If the registry court requests that you correct any defects in the application, and you will fail to do so within the indicated time limit, the court will return the application without processing it. However, if you re-submit a corrected application within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application returned by the court, the date of submitting the application to register a company will be the date of its first submission.

How can you appeal

If the procedure ends in a decision refusing to make the entry in the National Court Register, you may appeal against it.

If the decision in your case was issued by a court clerk, you can lodge a complaint which will be considered by the judge of the district court. The decision of the judge on the complaint against the decision of the court clerk ends the first instance procedure and the appeal procedure may be initiated.

If the decision in your case was issued by a judge, you can lodge an appeal to the regional court, through the court which issued the decision. You must lodge the complaint within 2 weeks from receipt of the decision (together with the justification).

Good to know

Supplementary data to be submitted

Please note that apart from the application to register a company in the National Court Register, you must also inform the authorities about:

  • supplementary data of which the tax office should be notified, such as bank account numbers, information on the special status of the company, the expected number of employees or the place of business activity, as well as the contact details. Such notification must be made through the NIP-8 form. You must submit the NIP-8 form within:
    • 21 days from the date of the entry of the company in the National Court Register
    • 7 days from the start date of the business activity - if you plan to pay social security contributions
  • a beneficial owner - information to be submitted to the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR). This notification must be made within 7 days from the date of the entry of the company in the National Court Register.

More information:

For more information see also:

Change of data

If after the company is registered, there is a change in the data that needs to be notified, such as the change in the registered address or in the business name, an application to make a relevant change should be submitted no later than within 7 days from the date when the change has occurred.

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